Victory College will be continuing its rollout of our ‘Bring Your Own Device’ Program for all students in Years 7-12. The program is mandatory for all students in these years enrolled at Victory College. Information on the necessary specifications for devices as well as how to purchase them are outlined below. Once a device has been purchased it must be enrolled. Instructions for how to do this can be found HERE.

Student devices

Student devices brought to school will need to meet a minimum set of requirements.


Machine TypeLaptop or Notebook style computer
PlatformWindows / Mac OSX
Processori3 intel or higher
RAM8GB or higher
WirelessWireless Network Card
Ports2 USB ports, Audio in/out, In-built microphone
Battery Life6-8 hours

Devices can be purchased through using the school code ‘VictoryC‘.

Purchase your device


Students are able to log into the Office 365 Portal using their school account. Students will also be able to download Office 365 onto their device to use at home and at school. We also have a learning management system, Schoolbox, which will allow students and parents the ability to access and review the learning that is taking place in each subject.

Visit Schoolbox


Victory College would ask all parents to consider insurance.

Students and parents will have full responsibility for the care and use of their personal device including any costs of repair, replacement or any modifications needed to use the device at school. Victory College does not accept responsibility for the theft or the loss of the device or parts/accessories. It is strongly recommended therefore that families ensure these devices are insured under relevant policies.

To help facilitate this, and ensure that devices are cared for appropriately, the following procedures are in place:

  1. Victory College asks that student devices are carried and stored in an appropriate case.
  2. Students will be required to carry the device inside its case at all times.
  3. High school Students are able to rent a locker (available through College Reception) and are encouraged to store their device in the locker when not in use. Year 6 computers will be stored in the classroom during the day.
  4. The device may only be used in class or in the library (High School students) during break times.
  5. The device should always be taken home at the end of the school day.
  6. All students will be responsible for the regular backup of their data. Loss of data will not be an acceptable excuse for late submission of assignments and other work.
  7. Devices are to be recharged at home each night ready for the next school day.
  8. The use of devices in class is at the discretion of the teacher. Students must ensure they always follow directions when using their devices.

Please note that the device does not replace the use of traditional paper and pen. The purpose of the device is to provide students with another tool to assist their learning. Students will still require the equipment outlined on the school equipment list each year.