
The Victory College tuckshop serves healthy and nutritious meals such as salad plates, homemade quiche, lasagne, fresh salad rolls and more – all at affordable prices.

Tuckshop days and times

Located at the rear of the main administration building, the tuckshop is open Monday to Friday every school week.

  • 1st Break: 11:05 am – 11:40 am
  • 2nd Break: 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

How to order

As of Term 4 2023, the College has moved all ordering online. To place an order, please visit the MSA Web Portal.

Please note that the cut-off time for same-day ordering is 9 am.

Any child who has forgotten their lunch will be able to acquire a sandwich of their choice, and a piece of fruit or fruit cup at the expense of the parent. A slip will be sent home from the tuckshop, detailing the amount that is owed.

There are no tuckshop orders for mykindy students.

Tuckshop Menu
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