Please peruse our questions below to see if we answer your question.

Alternatively drop our Enrolments Coordinator an email on enrolments@victorycollege.com


Can I visit Victory College to see your facilities?

Yes, all students and their families are welcome to tour Victory College Monday-Friday by appointment. Please arrange a personal tour.

What is the average class size?

We aim to ensure adequate teacher-student ratios in all of our classes, with support from Teacher Aides. Most classes have approximately 28 students or less.

What are the After Hours School Sports on offer?

Our after-school sports are outlined on the Sports page and include sports such as rugby, futsal, netball and equestrian. Some sports change each term depending on the nature of the wider community and representative sports program schedules.

What is the free After School Tuition (Tute Time) Program?

Tute Time is free and offered to students who need additional assistance in their learning.

Primary students from Year 2 can attend tute time every Tuesday from 3-4pm (upon request) under the guidance of teachers and teacher aides.

Secondary students make individual appointments with their own teachers and can meet them on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4pm in our library.

What is your Policy on Bullying?

We have a strict no bullying policy. More information on our approach to student welfare can be found here.

Who do I contact if my child is being bullied?

If your child is in Primary College, their class teacher is the first person to contact. If your child is in Secondary College, please contact the Head of Middle College (head.middle@victorycollege.com) or Head of Senior College (head.senior@victorycollege.com).

Who do I contact for my child to receive emotional/well-being support?

For students in Primary College, Chappy Eric Simon is available. For students in Secondary College there is Chappy Di Brading. We also have Mr Bruce McAllister (Guidance Counsellor & Career Advisor), and Mrs Maurita Dayes (Student Welfare Officer).

Who do I contact if I'd like a second opinion?

The Head of College, Mr Alwyn Prinsloo, is here to support all students overall education and can also be contacted for an appointment at any time you are concerned with your child’s enrolment at the College.

Who do I contact if our family situation changes?

If changes to your family situation are impacting/will impact your enrolment, please contact our Enrolments Co-ordinator (enrolments@victorycollege.com).

What is your Uniform Policy?

Our full uniform guidelines and policy are outlined here. We expect all students to wear their uniform to and from school and for it to be cleaned an ironed.

Can I pay by Direct Debit or Credit Card?

Fees can be paid by Direct Debit or Credit Card. Our full fee schedule and terms can be found here as well as all the necessary forms to download.

Is there a Sibling/Family Enrolment Fee Discount?

Yes there is. Our discounts are:

  • Year payment discount
    Pay the full year’s account by the end of Term 1 and you will receive 10% off the tuition portion of fees.
  • Sibling discount
    2 student family will receive a $500.00 discount per year for each family
    3 student family will receive a $1,320.00 discount per year for each family

Further discounts apply for additional students. Please contact our office for more information.

When do I need to pay my school fees in full by to get the 10% tuition discount

In order to receive the 10% discount, payment in full is due by the end of Term 1.

Is the 10% tuition discount,10% of the total Invoice amount?
No, it is 10% off the tuition portion only, after the Sibling Discount (if applicable) is subtracted.
Who do I contact about outstanding school fees?
Who do I contact if I am struggling to pay my account?
Where do the Victory College buses go?

Our bus routes are all outlined here. We have buses travelling to:

  • Bus 1 – Tin Can Bay, Wallu
  • Bus 2 – Wooloola, Widgee, Glastonbury
  • Bus 3 – Wolvi, Cedar Pocket, Greens Creek, Veteran
  • Bus 5 – Goomeri, Kilkivan Lower Wonga, Bells Bridge, Chatsworth
  • Bus 6 – Pinbarren, Cooran, Traveston, Kybong
  • Bus 7 – Glenwood, Theebine, Miva, Gunalda, Curra
  • Bus 8 – Rainbow Beach, Cooloola Cove, Goomboorian
  • Bus 9 – Carter Ridge, Imbil, Kandanga, Amamoor, Dagun, Jones Hill
  • Bus 10 – Pomona, Cooroy, Federal

* Routes vary depending on student need.

More information about the College bus service can be found HERE.

Do children who attend Victory College have to go to Victory Church?

No they do not. It is not compulsory for entry.

Where do I find out more information about mykindy at Victory College?

You can find out more information about mykindy at Victory College on their website www.mykindyatvictory.com.au – You can download a brochure and enrolment form there.

What is the College’s track record in Academic Achievement?

The College has a strong track record in academic achievement compared with similar schools throughout Queensland. Students perform in the top 20%.

Do we pay extra for After College Activities?

No you do not pay extra for after-school sport or Tute Time. Other fees depend on student’s interests and whether they have private tuition.

Is there Holiday and After-School Care?

No, not at this point in time.

How many classes per grade?

Not all grades have the same number of classes. There is a maximum of two classes per year level.

Can I just book a tour and not an interview?

Yes you are more than welcome to book a tour and not have an enrolment interview. This can be done here. You are also welcome to attend our Open Day and Spring Tour – these will be advertised on our website and Facebook Page.

How do I find out more information on the Equestrian Program?

Visit the section on Equestrian.

What pathways do you offer in Senior?

VET courses, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, and ATAR (for students intending to go to university) are all offered at Victory.

Does Victory compete in interschool sports?

Yes, this varies throughout the year, depending on the sports season e.g, cross country, swimming, rugby, equestrian.

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